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An obelisk is in a way an antenna for receiving the energies that circulate around. It acts as a security when, despite the shields we have already put in place, negative energies are still likely to pass. They are naturally captured by the obelisk. Like all antennas, obelisks are also very good transmitters and are very useful in long-distance caregiving.

Ruby Zoisite creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilize talents and abilities of the mind. It stimulates psychic abilities. Increases awareness of ones individuality. Ruby Zoisite instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life. It increases sexual activity, treating impotency and frigidity.

It improves circulation and quality of the blood, and heart disorders. It aids in recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.

Shapes, Colours and Sizes may vary as these are natural stones and carved by hand.

Ruby Zoisite Polished Obelisk 2”

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